
All flights subject to all necessary permissions. The carrier reserves the right to change the schedule or cancel the flight without compensation in case of non-granting of permission, also due to the slots unavailability or other reasons required by public authorities.

Immigration visas and passports validity are in the responsibility of the flying passengers.

Force majeure shall mean and include any event or circumstance which occurred beyond the control of the Party whose performance under this Confirmation is affected and, because of such event or circumstance, it became impossible for the Party to comply with the relevant obligation if it is not reasonable to predict that such Party can avoid or overcome this difficulty or its consequences, and that such Party anticipates such difficulty at the time of signing this confirmation, including but not limited to an epidemic, flood, explosion, fire, riot, lightening, earthquake, civil disturbance, war, strike, bird strike, government or acts of public authority, outcome or policy pursuant to any sanctions, sanctioned individuals or similar restrtictions of any country at any time, whether trade sanctions, economic sanctions, no fly-zones, air exclusion zones, operator sanctions or otherwise. If a Party cannot fulfill its obligations under this Confirmation properly and on time because of Force Majeure, that Party shall not be held liable as long as Force Majeure continues. If Force Majeure prevents Smartwings a.s. from performing the Flight or part thereof, or if such a situation is threatening, Smartwings a.s. shall immediately inform the Client. The Parties shall use their best efforts to mitigate the effects caused by the Force Majeure.

Smartwings a.s. reserves the right to amend, change or terminate the Flight and this Agreement (or any part thereof) in its sole discretion and without liability in the event client, any passenger or any associated person or entity was, is or becomes subject to any such sanctions.

In case that average monthly price for an aviation fuel (JET A-1) calculated for a business days issued by Platts “Barges FOB Rotterdam High“, published in the" Platts Marketscan "available at www.platts.com for the month preceding the month in which the flight(s) is/are scheduled exceeds USD 1,300 / MT but not USD 1,500 / MT the air carrier reserves the right to charge a one-time fuel surcharge in amount of USD 1300 for each sector.
In case that average monthly price for an aviation fuel (JET A-1) calculated for a business days issued by Platts “Barges FOB Rotterdam High“, published in the" Platts Marketscan "available at www.platts.com for the month preceding the month in which the flight(s) is/are scheduled exceeds USD 1,500 / MT but not USD 2,000 / MT, the air carrier reserves the right to charge a one-time fuel surcharge in amount of USD 1,500 for each sector.
In case that average monthly price for an aviation fuel (JET A-1) calculated for a business days issued by Platts “Barges FOB Rotterdam High“, published in the" Platts Marketscan "available at www.platts.com for the month preceding the month in which the flight(s) is/are scheduled exceeds USD 2,000 / MT, the air carrier reserves the right to charge a one-time fuel surcharge in amount of USD 2,000 for each sector.

VAT and other adjusted charges may occur after the final accounting of the flight.

Any further costs, such as airport outside of operating hours fee and fees due to operations outside official airport hours will be charged additionally on the basis of proved necessity. Price includes Italian luxury tax of EUR 100/PAX/sector of flights less than 1.500km and for legs over 1.500km amounts to EUR 200/PAX/sector.

The one-time fee for transporting live animals is EUR 200 for each flight (pet cleaning fee).

Air carrier is not responsible for additional costs associated with transporting live animals to the UK and the client is required to submit all documentation and pay a fee of EUR 500 for the first animal and EUR 200 for each additional animal no later than two days before the date of departure, in case of more routings - the date of departure of the first leg.

Wi-Fi on board is available on Sovereign+ (OK-JRT, OK-JRS) and Longitude (OK-JRE). Wi-Fi must be requested prior to the departure. Client will receive a specific code for the requested package and is reusable on another flights. Data package 25 MB / 50 MB / 100 MB / 250 MB / 500 MB. 1 MB costs 7 EUR.

The carrier reserves the right to refuse to load additional luggage if the limit of the maximum possible cargo space capacity of 300 kg will be exceeded. This weight limit might be changed on the current flight, with consideration of total payload and other operating conditions.

Lithium metal (non-rechargeable) batteries are limited to 2 grams of lithium per battery. Lithium ion (rechargeable) batteries are limited to a rating of 160 watt hours (Wh) per battery (11.1Ah). These limits allow for nearly all types of lithium batteries used by the average person in their electronic devices.

In the event of a delay, diversion or deviation due to technical reasons, air carrier shall be solely responsible for passenger welfare including accommodation, refreshments, meals, transportation or any other additional costs in the amount regulated by the current legislation regulated in the international convention.

The carrier reserves the right to replace the aircraft type Cessna Citation Longitude for Cessna Sovereign (+) in the event that the flight cannot be operated due to the operational reasons, if this type of aircraft is available.

In the event that aircraft is not available for the flight due to the operational reason whatsoever, Smartwings a.s. is not obliged to arrange a suitable and substantially similar substitute aircraft to be made available to perform the flight. Smartwings a.s. will reimburse adequate part of price relevant for particular sector.

The parties agree that the total amount of liability for damages for breach of contract of Smartwings a.s. under this agreement shall be limited to the amount of the price paid by the client to Smartwings a.s. hereunder.

This agreement shall, in all respects, be governed by laws of the Czech Republic, especially by the relevant provision of Act No. 89/2012, the Civil Code, as amended, as well as the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago, December 7, 1944) No. 147/1947 Coll., Act No. 49/1997 Coll., on Civil Aviation and other multilateral laws valid in the Czech Republic international agreements negotiated in the field of civil aviation. The courts of the Czech Republic have exclusive jurisdiction to decide matters arising from or in connection with this contract.

The carrier will send an advance invoice in the amount of the total price for the flight without undue delay after the conclusion of this contract. The customer undertakes to pay the total amount for the flight on an advance invoice to the relevant account of the carrier no later than two working days in advance of the date of departure (in case of multiple flights, two days before the first sector). The contract flight is considered to have been paid properly and on time only if the payment is assigned on the carrier's account in full and if it is properly identified by the variable symbol. Each party is responsible for their own bank charges. In the event of a delay of the payment, the air carrier reserves the right to withdraw from the contract.

The receiving party recognise that Smartwings a.s. will receive personal data for the purposes of providing services, facilitating immigration and entry procedures, and Smartwings a.s. will be required to make available such data to the government, agencies and other parties who require it in connection with the services being provided by Smartwings a.s. Personal data will be held and securely in accordance with the Smartwings a.s. privacy policy and also used for the puprpose of analytics to improve services, or personalisation to improve customer experience.

Empty leg schedules are subject to changes - the exact timings of the empty leg flight are based on the original passenger’s flight requirements; therefore, the final availability and departure details might not be available until just before the departure.

If the original flight is cancelled, then the empty leg flight will no longer be available.

Empty leg flight includes Standard (cold) VIP catering, flight, crew, handling costs, landing / take-off fees, fuel, airport pax taxes.

Empty leg flights will have a pre-determined aircraft type, departure date and time and destination. The details of an empty leg flight will generally be published and valid a few days before scheduled departure.

Cancellation fees:

  • Date of signature - 72 hours prior = 20%
  • 72 – 48 hours prior = 25%
  • 48 – 24 hours prior = 50%
  • less than 24 hours prior = 75 %
  • no notice/no show = 100 % of the total price

The price does include:

  • The flights
  • Passenger taxes for the number of passengers indicated
  • Security charges
  • Catering
  • Crew - 2 pilots, 1 flight attendant
  • Handlings costs
  • Fuel
  • Landing and take-off fees

The price does not include:

  • Aircraft de-icing (also on ferry sectors)
  • Use of internet, Wi-Fi or in-flight satellite telephone
  • Wait times, premium FBO charges, VIP lounges, hangarage costs or any other airport operator charges
  • Italian luxury tax if applicable
  • Visa
  • Any EU ETS aviation charges or other charges relating to emissions, noise pollution or any other pollutants whatsoever
  • COVID-19 (or any other virus disease) related exceptional costs
  • Fees or charges relating to cleaning or any other damage to the Aircraft
  • War risk insurance if applicable

French Solidarity Tax:

The tax applies to all passengers departing from France, with the amount depending on flight distance and aircraft type.

Updated Business Aviation Solidarity Tax – TS Rates:

Distance to Final Destination**Type of service // < = 19 seatsRate per passenger*** (in Euros)
European or equivalent
< 1 000km
Business aircraft with turboprop engine 210 €
Business aircraft with turbojet engine 420 €
Mid Range destination Business aircraft with turboprop engine 675 €
Business aircraft with turbojet engine 1 015 €
Far off Destination
< 5 500 km
Business aircraft with turboprop engine 1 025 €
Business aircraft with turbojet engine 2 100 €